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Caring for the Collection

Behind the scenes, our team of curators, registrars, conservators and experts in exhibitions and gallery installations ensure the highest standard of care for the objects in our collection or on temporary loan.

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Collections Management

We carefully document our collections using modern systems, maintaining the most up-to-date information about each object. That includes tracking objects as they move around the building, labelling objects with unique accession numbers and maintaining conditions for objects on view in the galleries, and documenting all research, conservation and photography projects.

For temporary exhibitions, we bring in objects from around the world to complement our collection. We also lend our objects nationally and internationally to support Islamic art exhibitions globally.

Our staff are highly skilled in conservation, documentation and object handling, to ensure that our collections are preserved for future generations.

We share our knowledge, experience and expertise through publications, lectures and workshops and through collaborative research and conservation projects with other institutions.


MIA has one of the most advanced conservation laboratories in Qatar. We work with a wide variety of objects, including manuscripts and books, ceramics and glass, metals and jewellery, wood and stone, and textiles. Our conservation activities follow recognised international standards and professional codes of ethics.

We care for each object in the collection, whether it is on display, in storage or during transportation. We also monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity and light, and check for possible pest activity. We will examine an object’s component materials, the technology that created it and any causes of deterioration, then decide if an object should receive remedial treatment, and if so, what kind. By following these standards, we ensure the safe preservation of the collection for researchers and the public alike.