
What's On

A close up shot of a student practicing Arabic calligraphy


Creative work by Arabic Calligraphy

23 September 2024 | 11am - 1pm
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Book cover of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.
Children and Youth

Story Time

Planet Kids Club

24 September 2024 | 4 - 5pm
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A close-up shot of a hand tracing paint over a stencil of a floral pattern
Children and Youth


Floral Pattern Making

28 September 2024 | 11am - 12:30pm
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Families and children

Reading group

Majlis Book Club

30 September 2024 | 5 - 6pm
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A girl sketches out geometric shapes on a white piece of paper for her kufic calligraphy
Children and Youth


Kufic Calligraphy (Advanced)

Every Saturday in October 2024

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A close-up shot of a dip pen and coloured ink with workshop participants blurred in the background
Ladies Only


Naskh Calligraphy (Beginners)

6 - 9 October 2024 | 4 - 6pm
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Families and children

Story Time

Story Time at MIA Library

7 October 2024 | 11am - 12pm
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Insert Text here


Diwani Calligraphy (Beginners)

15, 22 and 29 October 2024

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Two children colouring on a piece of paper with coloured pencils and books surrounding the desk
Families and children


Saturday Colouring in the Library

First Saturday of every month

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Qatar International Arabic Calligraphy Competition: Al-Raqim

Submission deadline: 26 December 2024

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mia escape room


Escape Room: The Scholars of the Islamic World

Every Tuesday and Thursday until 31 December 2024

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Since its opening in 2008, MIA has been presenting a programme of temporary exhibitions which illuminate the heritage of Islamic cultures across the globe.

See a list of recent past exhibitions.


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